The Role of Learnig in Orgaizational Behavior | Conflict Management Business ManiyaConflict Management Business Maniya

The Role of Learnig in Orgaizational Behavior

The experience of bringing permanent change in person's behavior is called learning. Person learns new knowledge and skill on the basis of experience. If changes seem on the person's behavior, it means he has learnt some new things. In this way, learning and behavior are interrelated.

The habit, behave of human resources working in organization is known as organizational behavior. Reaction of employees about work or event in organization can be said organizational behavior.

Learning is very important in organizational behavior. Learning helps the employees of organization to change their behavior together changing environment. The role of learning in organizational behavior can be described below;

   1. Promote Favourable Behavior: To obtain organizational goal, employees must have favourable behavior. Under this, continuous, discipline, labour or good character behavior is required. To promote favourable behavior, organization need learning.
   2. Reduce Unfavourable Behavior: Some employees may have that types of behavior also, which affects negatively to the performance of organization. The habit of quarreling, being lazy, disciplineness activities, going far from responsibility become barrier on achieving goals of organization. To reduce this types of behavior employees need learning.
   3. Environmental Adoption: Person should change on his behavior together changing environment. For this, nowadays what types of behavior is useful that should be known. In this case learning is essential.