2010 | Conflict Management Business ManiyaConflict Management Business Maniya

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Nature of Planning

The following points indicate the nature of planning7:
1. Process: Planning is a process. Process is a step-by –step systematic way of doing things. It involves creative thinking and imagination.
2. Future-oriented: Planning anticipates future opportunities and threats. It decides in the present about what is to be done in future. It gives direction to the organization. It deals with uncertainty.
3. Pervasiveness: Planning is the function of every manager. Its nature and scope differ according to the level of managers. Top manager set mission and objectives. Lower managers execute the plans.
4. Goal –focused: Planning is goal focused. It not only sets goals but also selects actions to achieve them. It entails commitment of resources to selected actions. It is not based on hunch or guesswork. Actions are selected from among alternatives.
5. Decision-oriented: Planning involves decisions at all levels of management. It involves interdependent set of decisions. It coordinates various activities through decisions.
6. Efficiency-oriented: Planning is directed toward efficiency at all levels of management. Efficiency means greater output at lower costs. Alternatives are evaluated on the basis of efficiency.

Role of Information in Human Resource Planning

Information is a vital resource for managers because it enables them to establish objectives for the use of human resources and to measure the effectiveness of these resources with predetermined objectives. Without information it is difficult to establish links between corporate planning and HR planning. These corporate, objectives and strategies are created after the scanning of organizational environmental forces which latter on influences HR strategies and planning.
There are some other sources of information to prepare HR planning. Some of the important sources are the department of statistics, survey of labor markets, job analysis, and Internet Websites. The collected information is also useful in determining HR strategy, HR practice, and especially short-term and long-term plans for the human resources in the organization. Major roles of information in the Hr planning are as follows:
1. To make succession and replacement planning Information is useful for career plans in order to develop skills and enhance the knowledge employees. Both succession planning and replacement planning are processes of the development of HR for assuming future responsibilities.
2. To identify current and future manpower supply and demand: In big organizations it is essential to make timely forecasts of manpower demand and supply. The information regarding the probable future composition of the organizations ‘workforce is essential for predicting manpower requirements of different wage, occupational and industrial groups.
3. To determine current and probable productivity of labour: Information is used to measure performance for evaluating the productivity of specific programmes, offices, or positions. In this context, some related measures are, for example, absenteeism and turnover projection. This ultimately is important to determine the current and future HR needs.
4. To examine and project organizational structure: information is also useful for examining the current and probable structure of the organization. Organizational complexity is rising due to the increase in size, deployment of modern sophisticated technology and with the influence of the globalization process. Information is used to examine the current structure and also to predict the future shape of organizational structure keeping into account these rising organizational complexities.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Changing Role of Human Resource Management

Changing Role of HRMHRM roles are determined on the basis HR-related challenges that come from changes in external environmental forces. HRM role also influenced by the internal decisions of a company which changing its policy, strategy, structure, communication pattern etc. therefore, a company’s HR role is largely shaped by the changes in external and external environment forces.

In chapter 2, it has already been described in detail that the roles and responsibilities of HRM are gradually transforming from record keeping and procedural practices to contributing in strategy and policy marking to be competitive in the market by means of maximum utilization of people in organizations. In Anglo- American HR literature the role of HRM is taken as more action, individual, and future- oriented25. The literature highlighted that the new HR roles becoming more strategic influencing organizational bottom-line performance, such as productivity, motivation, commitment, return on investment, and so on. Its role can be extended to the extent that it can deliver rather than what it dose in the organization. In order to know the changing roles of HRM in Nepalese organizations it is imperative to understand major HR related issues, HR challenges and the roles required to meet these challenges. In the forthcoming paragraphs these dimensions are briefly examined.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Importance of Employee Training and Management Development

Importance of Employee Training and Management Development Learning is a vital route to effective work and organizational performance. “Training and development” is the usual phrase for the learning process in the organization. They are of critical importance to organizations because they provide skills needed both now and in the future. The explosion of technology, increasing shortage of skills and labour, pressure from the competition, the drive for quality and changing management styles, have all increased importance of providing training and development opportunities to employees . These developments have contributed to the establishment of training and development practices as a profession and as a continuing and necessary part of the HRM process.
There are different views regarding training and development. Traditional, the training function was regarded as distinct from the development function. Whereas lower-level employees were “trained”, higher- level employees were “development”. In fact, traditionally, training was not recognized as a means of identifying and solving problems related to the initiation of changes in work methods, and of taking responsibility for quality. It had a more immediate concern and was associated with improving the knowledge and skill of non-managerial employees in their jobs. Development, on the other hand, was seen as an activity normally associated with managers with the future firmly in mind.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Issues and Challenges of Training

Issues and Challenges of TrainingTraining is a useful HR tool for improving the skills of employees and enhancing their capacity to cope with the ever-changing demands of the work situation. This is the best way to empower employees with enough skill and knowledge to perform jobs. This also means that, with the proper designing of training programmers, performance deficiencies of the employees will be reduced by making them able to perform as per the standard of performance. Thus, there is a need for designing and conducting training programmers to fill such performance gaps. The major issues in designing and conducting training programmed include:

1. The need for understanding corporate policies: Training is the essential contributor to organizational objectives. If HR experts do not understand the organizational mission properly, it is difficult to get benefits from the training programmed. Any mismatch between corporate objectives and training design may cause a waste of time and other resources on the part of organization.
2. The need for job need analysis: It is a challenge to accumulate information on jobs. Many organizations do not have a system of job analysis. In such a case it is difficult to design appropriate training programmers required by the jobs. Thus, it is imperative to undertake job analysis to prepare job description and specification so that the collected information is analyzed to develop training package scientifically, purely based on job requirement factors.
3. The need for person needs analysis: One cannot overlook the training need of a person in designing a training programme. This is directly related to the ability to perform on the job. Many training programmes fail to assess the type of training programme that is required for different levels of employees and the appropriate skills that need to be developed by organizing training programmes.
4. The need for support of top management: In fact, effective training programme must be the priority of the top management. Some organizations regard training as a cost matter. However, when an organization is in the modern manufacturing or service sector and when it needs to adapt in the changing competitive and technical circumstances, top management has to be convinced of the importance of providing.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Meaning of Human Resource/ Manpower Planning

Human Resource/ Manpower Planning There has been increasing competition in the market to provide quality and low cost products and services. The capacity of a firm to compete in the market is largely determined by the proper planning for the deployment of qualified manpower. HR departments in organizations have to make such plans to ensure the availability of quality manpower in time and to support the company management to minimize operational costs and to gain a competitive advantage in the market. Many organizations pay less attention to the proper planning and utilization of human resources. So, they are facing critical problems relating to future requirement of quality manpower.

Human resource planning is the process of analyzing and identifying the need for and availability of human resources so that the organization can meet its objectives. It ensures that the organization has the right number of employees in the right place at the right time so that critical HR planning problems can be solved as and when they occur. The HR department engages in determining the right number of manpower needed. The number of manpower in demand and supply is derived from environmental and operational analysis.

Approaches of Human Resource Planning

Approaches of Human Resource PlanningThis is a ‘hard’ HRM approach which makes sure that the organization has the right number of employees in the right place at the right time to achieve corporate strategy. It is called ‘hard’ approach because, using this approach, HR planning applies many qualitative and quantitative techniques to forecast the demand and supply of manpower to fulfills strategic needs of the organization. There are clear ways and agreed methods and techniques of working out HR planning. According to this approach HR planning comprises:

• Understanding business strategy
• Analysis of current human resources to fit with the current business strategy
• Estimation of manpower demand
• Estimation of manpower supply
• Ensuring number of employees in the right place at the right place at the right time so as to achieve strategic objectives of the organization.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Rising Interest in Human Resource Management

Rising Interest in Human Resource ManagementIn this business age, all the organization has interest towards its human resource to increase competitive power of employees. Organization has certain goal. To achieve goal, organization should utilized all the physical resources very well. This work is only possible by human resource. And the managers are starting to give their attention towards human resource. Managers are starting to be worry about how, doing what the human resources can be ruled to produce more products and how the competitive cost-benefit can be obtained.

In this way,there is increasing interest on the respect of human resource management. The main causes in increasing interest towards human resource management are as follows:

1. Size of Organization: Recently there is established many organization as a joint stock company. Many workers work in large organization. And controlling and managing them has become more challenging and difficult. In this case, to motivate them to work well, it is increasing the interest of managers towards employees.

2. Diversity in workforce: Diversity is got in the religion, culture and tradition of the employees from different geographical place. All the employees from different gender, education, experience and hobby work in an organization. And controlling and motivating them in systematic way is very difficult and challenging. In this situation, rising interest towards the employees is normal.

3. Competition: As a result of rapid development of industries and business, competition has increased in organizations. In this case, they should reduce cost by maximum utilization of limit resources. And quality of goods also should be increased. For this, human resource should be managed effectively. In this way, to get success in competitive environment managers should give attention to the human resources.

4. Technological Development: Employee unrest due to technological change in organization should be managed very well. This work is very difficult and challenging. So that, the managers give interest towards human resources.

5. Globalization: Today, propensity of globalization is increasing. Large companies are opening their branches in different countries. The top managers have to control the employees of branches by sitting in head office. And they have to manage the human resources without affecting the related countries' religious and cultural believe. In this case they should give their attention towards human resources.

There are other many factors that pull the attention of the mangers towards the human resources; Goal Achievement, Skilled and Motivated Employees, Organizational effectiveness, Avoid Mistake and Weakness, Human Assets Accounting, Job Satisfaction etc. All these aspects also press the managers to give attention towards human resources.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Emerging Challenges of Human Resource Mangement

Human Resource MangementIn the present condition, competition between organizations have increased. It is getting large the form of organization slowly-slowly. In this situation, it is very difficult and challenging to manage effectively the human resources. The changing environment has made more challenging. The main challenges of Human Resource Management are as follows:

1. Globalization: Globalization has increased in the sectors of industry and business. Business has crossed the boarder of politics. Successful industries have made the world their own. Like this, large industries attract manpower from different sectors of world. They provide employment to the local people by opening new branches in other countries also. And, there remain employees with different cultures, concepts and hobbies, and managing them becomes challenging. In this case organizations should produce large numbers of products keeping minimum profit. For this human resources should be utilized perfectly, which have made the human resources challenging.

2. Technological Changes: There is rapid change in information and technology. There is new-new working technology. In this situation organizations have to change it technology. New technology creates unemployment. And in other hand, there comes scarcity of skilled manpower. Like this, technological change brings difficulties and challenges in organization.

c) Diversity in Work Force:
Today, it has come diversity to in the employees working in the organization. Women are also participating in the organization. Foreign peoples are also getting job in the organization. That's why, it is coming diversity in manpower. Manging employees with different cast, religion, tradition, hobbies is challenging and it creates diffuculties.

d) Quality of Work Forces:
It has come diversity in the quality of workers. In other hand, general and unskilled manpower are increasing. But it is shortage of skilled and experience manpower. In this situation, it is very difficult to manage human resource.

e) Change Management:
With the changing environment, there should be change, improvement and modification in the activities of organization. Taking organization ahead together changing environment is change management. And change management in organization is very difficult and challenging.

f) Legal Environment: With the development of education sector, all level of manpower are being conscious. They are well known about their rights. It is very much challenging to behave equally to the human resource growing in republic environment.

In this way there are other many challenges of human resource management. Some of them are Change in the Nature of Work, Large organization, contingent work force etc.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Objectives of Human Resource Management

Objectives of Human Resource ManagementThe main objective of Human Resource Management is maximum utilization of physical resources available in organization. Specially, objectives of the organization is related with the objective of Human Resource Management. It's another main objective is to utilize and run the resources available in organization smoothly to achieve organizational goals. Its objective can be showed in following manner.

1. Organizational Goal:
Organizations have many goals and objectives. These objectives may be related to profit, related to service and may be related to expansion and development. To achieve all these objectives of organization, there should be maximum practice of utilization of human resources. This is the main objective of human resource management.

2. Social Goal:
Only earning profit is not the objective of organization. It has more responsibility to society and country. Its social responsibility is providing quality goods in minimum rate, providing employment, controlling pollution, employee welfare related activities. All these activities should be done by organization.

3. Functional Goal:
Different activities are done in organization to obtain predetermined goal. The next important work of human resource management is to operate all these activities in systematic way. In this objective, acquisition of good manpower, develop, motivation and maintenance activities lie . So that,not to come the situation of over staffing and under staffing.

4. Individual Goal:
The another objective of human resource management is to complete the individual objectives of all the employees working in organization. Providing them sufficient wages, salary, managing security for them, give them chance for career development.

5. Productivity:
Human resource management has another objective that is to increase production capacity of the employees. To increase the production capacity of the employees the HRM lunch the programmes of training and development.

In this way, Human Resource Management has other many objectives such as Readiness to change, Formation of structure, Quality of work-life, Goal harmony ....etc.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Roles of Human Resource Management in Business Orgainzation

Human resource is the main and inseparable parts of organization. The success and achievement of objectives in organization depends up on the Human Resource. And human resource plays vital role to achieve goals and for successful operation of organization. Its role can be described point wise:

I) Advisory Role: Human resource manager acts as advisor for the line management and all the workers. HR manager does this types of activities:
Advisory related to achievement of human resources.
Advisory related to human resources development.
Advisory related to utilization of human resources.
Advisory related to maintain human resources.
Legal advisory related to human resources.
II) Line Function Role: Human resource manager manages his own human resource department as line manager also. He acts following tasks of his department:
Formulation of plan for human resource department.
Implementation of plan of his department.
Control and direction to the employees under the department.
Taking decision for the activities of department.
III) Integrative Role: There should be good co-ordination between human activities of all departments in organization to achieve the goals. For this human resource mange integrates between following activities:
Integrate the objective between different departments.
Co-ordinate work process between different departments.
Synchronize work performance of employees between different departments.
Take care of policy and rules of human resource.

IV) Follower Role: Top level management formulates strategies and programmes for organization. He also implement these strategies and programmes. He plays following roles:
Follows strategies related employees.
Follows policies related to human resources.
Implement the programmes of his own department.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Modern Concept of Research Report

Modern Concept of Research ReportResearch report is considered a major component of the research study. The research process can not be completed without writing the research report. As a matter of fact even the most brilliant hypothesis, highly well designed and conducted research study, and the most striking generalizations and findings are of little value unless they are effectively communicated to others. The means of communication to other is the research report. Writing of report is the last step in a research study and requires a set of skills.

A research report is a detailed description of things that have done during the research process. The final presentation of the whole research operation is the research report. The report written for general population contains description of findings and their implications. Thus we may define “a research report is written integrated and systematic representation or communication of the investigation, facts or evidence, findings, conclusions and suggestions/ recommendations of the research works”.

Preparation of the research report is a quite hard task. This task should be accomplished by the researcher with utmost care, assistance and guidance of experts for the purpose. Research reports are the product of slow, painstaking, accurate inductive work. There are no fixed rules to followed in preparation of a final research report. However, the usual steps involved in writing a research report are:
• Logical analysis of the subject matter
• Preparation of the outline
• Planning of data
• Start writing
• Preparation of the rough draft
• Rewriting and polishing of the rough draft
• Preparation of the final bibliography
• Writing the final draft

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Characteristics of a Good Research Hypothesis

Characteristics of a Good Research HypothesisIn common parlance a hypothesis is a mere assumption or some supposition to be proved or disproved. But in a research study a hypothesis is a formal question that the researcher intends to resolve. Hypothesis is usually considered as the principal instrument is research. So it should be good and supported by some evidence. A research hypothesis should be good if it must possess the following characteristics:

Hypothesis should be simple and to be point.
Hypothesis should be clear and precise. It should be properly stated.
Hypothesis should be capable of being tested. It should not be that one in which data or information can not be collected. Empirical test is necessary to achieve the objectivity.
Hypothesis should state relationship between different variables available there.
Hypothesis should not be too vague or general. It should be limited in scope and must be specific.
Hypothesis should be narrower.
Hypothesis should be state as far as possible is most simple and common terms.
Hypothesis must be consistent with a substantial body of established facts.
Hypothesis should be amenable to testing within a reasonable time.
Hypothesis must explain the facts that gave rise to the need for explanation.

A good research hypothesis must have all these types of features. And then, that can be said as good research hypothesis.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Meaning of “Literature Review” in Research

Meaning of “Literature Review” in ResearchAfter choosing the title of the research, researcher should take knowledge about different journals, newspapers, periodicals, published or unpublished bibliographies, books etc. to collect the information about the selected title of the research. This process of studying different educational is known as literature review. In general, literature review means to gather the information about the chosen title of the research through the different sources. Literature review means stock taking of available literature in one’s field of research.

Review of literature helps till the least step of the research process. The information about the earlier studies, if any which are similar to the study in hand should be provided by reviewing of literature. Academic journals, conference proceedings, government reports, book etc. must be consulted depending on the nature of the problem. By consulting library, by studying encyclopedias, by surfing the internet review of literature is done. In library researcher study the different magazines, journals, periodicals, research articles, thesis etc.

Literature review provides the framework of the research process. Literature review facilitates to find out what research studies have been done in one’s chosen field of study, by which method they have done, what result they get, what are the remaining area in which the research should be conducted. By reviewing of literature research gets or collects the ore information or knowledge about their researches. Scientific research may be based on past knowledge. The previous studies provide the foundation to the present study. The knowledge of previous studies is obtained by reviewing of literature.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Role of Research in Management

Role of Research in ManagementThe role of research in several fields has greatly increased in modern times. The increasingly complex nature of business and government has focused attention on the use of research in solving operational problems. Research has a great importance in the field of management. Manger’s job is to achieve stated goal and degree of his success in this regard is directly dependent upon his making the right decisions at the right time. Managerial decisions can not be based on only intuitive. They must be based and supported by information. Such information is provided by the research activities of an organization.

Operation research, market research, motivational research helps to manger’s in various situations to make decision. Research has its special significance in solving various operational and planning problems of business and industry. The problem of big and small business industry, working condition, trade union activities, the problem of distribution are some areas where research activities are generally conducted.

Generally in the management there are four different stages i.e. analysis, planning, execution and control. In each of the mentioned stages decision making is involved. So research helps in all the above four stages. In Management area mainly 4 types of research are conducted.

  • Policy Research: The purpose of policy research is related to the specific problem on which mangers needed more information.

  • Managerial Research: Managerial research is related to the specific problem on which managers needed more information.

  • Action Research: In normal situation of an organization too research is carried out and termed as action research. In this process data are collected and analyzed on their regular way. This types of research is designed to identify effective ways of dealing with problems in real world.

  • Evaluation Research: Evaluation is the process of determining the value or worth of something. This research is related with policy research. To evaluate about the policies, condition of an organization etc. this types of research is done.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Issues of Motivation

The Issues of MotivationThe manager should do different sorts of acts to obtain organizational goal. Some acts are recruiting, selecting, training, motivating and leadership etc. Among them, motivation is very much important in organization. Effective motivation is required for good performance from employees. But this task is very challenging. It is not easy to take assistances as manager’s expectation. Some issues raised while motivating the employees are as follows:

a) Motivating to Professional Employees: As the technology has been changing the use of large machinery, tool and technology also increasing nowadays. At this moment the use of experts with specific skill are expanding. For eg. Doctor, Engineer and technicians. It is very difficult and challenging to motivate them. It is better to leave them free than motivating. To motivate them they should be involved in decision process.

b) Motivating Employee doing High Repetitive Task: It also very difficult to motivate the employee who is doing high repetitive task in organization. For eg. the workers who work in industry and perform similar types of work, account keepers and computer operator. While doing similar types of work they feel frustration in their work and willingness to work removes. They need motivation but it is challenging. Following measures should be applied to motivate them.
• Higher remuneration
• Good working environment
• Right man in right place
• Job rotation

c) Motivating Low-skilled Workers: There are many low-skilled workers in organizational operation. Organization can not provide maximum remuneration to them. Effective control and direction is needed. It is challenging work to motivate them. To motivate them following factors are essential:
• By increasing salary
• Making good working environment
• Give opportunity to select favorable time to work in working schedule

d) Motivating Temporary Workers: It is also very difficult to motivate temporary and part time workers. They don’t have cohesiveness towards organization. They don’t take as organization member themselves. They leave the organization in small problem. Following methods can be used to motivate them:
• Giving opportunity to work in permanent post
• Providing good salary on the basis of labour
• Providing training facility
e) Motivating New Employees: It is challenging work to motivate newly recruited employees because they have new idea and expectation. It is difficult to understand their willingness. It this case, we can use following process to motivate them:
• Doing equal behavior with all workers
• Providing training facility
• Giving less work than old workers

f) Motivating Diverse Workforce: Motivating diverse workforce is also challenging work. Because in organization work different persons with different features. While motivating them manager should give attention in following matters:
• Special care of them
• Accepting their different features
• Providing training facility
• Providing good salary

Role of Motivation in Organization

TRole of Motivation in Organizationhe process of encouraging the human resources to perform organizational activities very well is called motivation. Motivation increases desire and want to perform work internally of the human resources. It encourages the internal desire of employee to work punctually in organization.

The employees should perform their responsibility and workload effectively to achieve organizational goals. To work effectively the employees need two factors. They are: ability and willingness. It can be show by this formula.
Productivity = Ability × Willingness

Training and development increase the skill and efficiency of employees. Like this motivation encourages the willingness to work of employees. In this way, above formula can be modified as:
Productivity = Capabilities × Motivation

The word motivation came from English word ‘motive’. Its word meaning is to create willingness to work in persons. Man has his own desire and willingness. If his desire is completed while working then automatically his desire goes towards work. That is real motivation. After developing the skill and qualification employees need effective motivation. Then after, they perform their own work happily. In this competitive age maximum productivity should be obtained to achieve organizational goals. For this motivation is essential. In this way motivation play vital role to get organizational goals and objectives.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Factor Influencing Learing

Factor Influencing LearingLearning is the change in behavior. The person gets information about new knowledge and technology on the basis of his experience. As the result the person brings change on his behavior is called learning. Different factors affect the learning. They are as follows.
  1. Psychological Factors: Psychological factor directly affects the process of learning of persons. Interest, Value, Perception, Belief, Needs, Motives comes under psychological factors. Which affect the learning of a person.
  2. Physiological Factors: The factors related with man's body also affects the learning process. Intelligence, Age, Sex, Health, Memory Power are some factors of physiology. Healthy and intelligent person can learn in short time.
  3. Learning Method: Specially, learning method directly affects to formal learning process. There are different types of learning method. Among them, nature of organization, source, means and on the basis of subject matter to learn suitable learning method should be selected. While selecting learning method, it should be given attention towards learners' efficiency and hobbies.
  4. Environmental Factors: Environmental factors also affect to learning process. In clean, bright and quite environment becomes effective to learn something. There must not be sound pollution, air pollution and very hot or cold for better learning process.
  5. Learning Benefits: How much important is learning, How much benefits it can provide to the learner, it also affects the learning process. Person wants to take that types of knowledge which can increase salary, facility, goodwill and prestige.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Importance of Communication within the Management Group

Communication within the Management
Organization is established to obtain certain goals. Organization has opened a management group to manage, control, suggest and co-ordinate the human activities. Top level, middle level and lower level managers are involved in management group. There must be good communication managed between managers. Communication plays important role to interact, formulate plan and policy and co-ordinate mutually in management group. Importance of communication within management group can be presented below:

a) Information: The main base and power of organization is communication. There must be continuous communication. It helps to find out useful alternate to solve problems. In this way, in decision process, communication plays important role.
b) Planning: For good management of organization, it should be formulate effective policy, plan, strategy and programs. For this purpose, large numbers of information are required.
c) Direction and Control: For successful implementation of plan and programs, manager should give direction and control to keep good co-ordination between directors, manager requires communication.
d) Behavior Management: Communication helps to manage and co-ordinate in behavior of managers.
e) Emotional Expression: Communication is required to interact in management group. It helps to remove emotion, dissatisfaction, frustration of managers.
f) Human Relation: There should be mutual human relation in between managers and should be developed. For this purpose, effective communication is required. It increases the work satisfaction of workers and helps to remove sorrows.

In this way communication has large contribution in organization. It is also important for co-ordination, management development, conflict management and environmental adaptation….etc.

Current Issues in Communication

Current Issues in Communication
We know that, world is changeable. Rapid change and development can be seen in technological sectors. Large number of change is becoming in the sector of information and communication of technology. The method exchanging information by meeting face to face is going to be replaced by modern and scientific means of communication. For eg. Telephone, Mobile, Message, E-mail, Internet….etc. can be taken. In this situation, different issues have been seen. The major issues seen in present condition are as follows:

a) Electronic Communication: There is rapid development in communication technology. Together direct talking, Fax, E-mail, Internet, Pager, Video, Conference, Voice Message, Cellular Phone, Plam-sized, Personal communitor, Telephone….etc. are used to exchange information. So that, it is challengeable to manage communication.
b) Cross Culture: Development of communication has made the world a global village. In this age of globalization, information is exchanged in between the persons with different culture. In this way, while communicating, different challenge has been seen. It has been added complexity on communication process due to different language, pronunciation and concept.
c) Words Modification: With the development in culture and language, people are starting to use new-new words. So that there has been seeing problems of understanding information.
d) Gender in Communication: Nowadays, females are engaged with different organization and institutions by going out from house. Due to gender, different barrier has been emerged in communication between male and female.
e) Privacy in Communication: There is not certain limitation to keep secrete the information in communication. Due to technological development, organization has been feeling difficult to keep secrete the information.
All these are issues emerged due to technological development in communication.

Concept and Causes of Employees Resist to Change in Organization

Causes of Employees Resist
In this changeable world, there comes continuous change in internal and external environment of organization. Organization should be improved and modified according to changing environment. Then organization can be taken ahead successfully in this competitive environment.

Specially, change is natural law. To adjust with the change in nature or environment, there should be changed in different aspects of organization. In this way, the aJustify Fullct of modification in method, process, person, group and organization according to changing environment is known as organizational change. In organizational change, the responsibility, duty and behavior also should be changed, so that employees resist changing. Some causes of employees resist to change are given below;

a) Security Risk:
Employees risky about change brought in organization. They think that, work can be done or not in changed situation. Due to this types of fear they resist to change.
b) Habit Change: With the changed environment, the employees also should change their habit. So that they resist to change.
c) Fear of Unknown: What types of works should I do? I can work or not? What types of result will come? This types of question answers are unknown. Due to this types of fear they don’t like change.
d) Poor Communication: If there is not facility of effective communication employees do not get knowledge about change and do not get information about benefit. In this case, employees resist to change.
e) Lack of Involvement: If organization can not involve the employees in managerial process, then employees don’t agree with the change of management.
f) Perception of Inequity: If employees perceive that only special employees or group can get benefit with change. In this way, due to perception of inequity, they don’t want change.

Concept and Approaches to Organizational Development

Organizational Development
Time and situation are changeable in nature. According to the changing time and situation, the method or process of improving and modifying to organization is called organizational development. Organization has its own goals and objectives. Suitable policy and plans are formulated and implemented to achieve pre-determined goals in organization. While implementing plans it may come change in environment. According to the change in environment, organization should improve and develop strategies, design and work process of organization. This called organizational development. To achieve organizational goal effectively, there should be continue development of organization. Some of the approaches to organizational development are given below.

a) Process Consultation: Organizational development is complex and deep process. Process consultation method can be applied for effective work performance. In this method consultant selected from outside gives information about new methods and process. In this way, to make environment adaptation and for behavioral modification consultation process is beneficial.
b) Sensitivity Training: Next method for organizational development is sensitivity training. It is a free training method, in which employees are given chance to interact freely. Employees exchange idea, belief, concept and knowledge mutually in group. In this way, they get chance to learn and bring change in behavior.
c) Survey Feedback: In this method a survey is done including all work process. Information is collected by using questionnaire from each and every group and departments. According to information, it is found weakness and problems of employees. Then useful method and process are learnt to employees by the help of study and analysis.
d) Team Building: Separate team is prepared including experience persons from different sectors. The team studies and analyses the want, weakness, employee and future need and evaluates work performance. According to study and analysis useful method and process are applied.
e) Inter-Group Development: Formal groups are prepared including employees from different departments to change and develop employees’ concept and behavior. Continuous discussion and interaction are done in group. It plays vital role to co-ordinate in organization.
In this way, by the help of organizational structuring and technological change also we can develop the organization. So that, all above methods is key methods for organizational development.

Conflict as a Natural Process in Organization

Conflict as a Natural Process
Coming sound of pots from kitchen is normal like that emerging conflict in the organization is also normal situation in present condition. When people/ employees are in group, they mutually perform the task. In organization, while performing task, they interact and discuss with each other. In this situation, appearing conflict due to difference in argues should be taken as natural process. Because in organization we can see many persons with different cast, culture, religions, language, knowledge, skill, view and desire etc. And while working together may appear conflict, it is normal in business organization. In this situation, organization should search different approaches to solve the conflict and apply systematically.

The need of human resource is increasing with the increasing size of organization. In this situation, probability of conflict also increases. It should be managed in proper way. Conflict does not affect negatively all time. Some time conflict also provides benefit to organization. So that, conflict should be controlled if it is more than required level. If there is not any conflict in organization, the manager should provide persuasion to positive conflict. In this way there must be required level of conflict in organization. This is conflict management. So that, conflict has been taken as natural process.

Group Behavior in Conflict

Group Behavior in Conflict

Disagreement between two groups brings/ creates inter-group conflict. When conflict arises between two groups, it affects negatively in the relation of these groups. Doing behavior with each other of groups changes. One group takes another group as opponent. They reach on the situation of wining others. Environment without co-operation creates between them. Problems seem in co-ordination. They show covert and overt behavior with each other. This behavior may be normal and dangerous. Normally, groups show these types of behavior in conflict.

a) Dissatisfaction: At the starting level of conflict one group shows dissatisfaction on activity, decision and assumption of next group. They take their mind towards bad activities of opponent only and don’t go attention towards good works.
b) Disagreement: Together with increasing level of conflict, the relation between them decreases. Misunderstanding between them increases in different conditions. At that time, one group keeps different view in decision and work of other groups. In this way disagreement increases between them.
c) Overt Questioning: With the increasing level of conflict, one group easily starts to ask questions towards other groups’ activities. So that, third party also gets information about conflict. They practices to give information to outsides by overt questioning.
d) Challenging: Together increasing inter-group conflict, the mutual behavior of groups become hard and hard. They start to give challenge that the work done and decision made by them are right.
e) Verbal Attacks: As the result of conflict they start to scold to others. They start to return answer in loud sound. They present verbal attacks by the help of facts and proofs.

Like above, other different types of behavior also can be seen at the time of conflict of groups in organization. Other behavior shown in groups are Threat and Ultimatum, Aggressive Physical Attacks, Overt Destroy etc.

Dynamics of Inter-Group Conflict in Business Organization

Dynamics of Inter-Group ConflictConflict in group does not remain same. The environment of organization is changeable. With the changing environment, the relation between groups also changes. Like that, it also comes change in inter-group conflict. In this way, change seems in nature, form and size of conflict. This is called dynamics of inter-group conflict. Conflict brings change in relation of two groups. Following types of changes are seemed due to inter-group conflict.

a)PerceptionChange:Negativechange appears in concept of these groups as the result of inter-group conflict. One group keeps negative concept towards second group. A group member seems only bad factors of the members of next groups more than good factors. He ignores good aspects of next groups.

b) Interaction: In conflict appears in between to groups, interaction between these groups highly decrease. They exchange information only in very difficult and serious situation. They only show the formality of interaction.

c) Orientation: Inter-group conflict brings change in the goal of people in organization. After conflict, both groups take another group as opponent. They start to win each other. They don’t give their attention towards solving organization’s problems. Shortage of co-ordination appears. Distance increases in between each other.

d) Hostility: Very bad aspect of conflict is hostility. As the result of inter-group conflict between two groups hostility emerges. Due to conflict, opponent increases in between two groups. Mutual co-operation decreases and seems scarcity of belief.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Relation of Learning with Business Organization

Relation of Learning with Business OrganizationLearning and Business organization are closely interrelated. We know that, the child at the bearing time has not learnt anything. He learns slowly. So that, learning is very much important for business organization. The behavior of person is changed by learning. There are many persons involved in an organization. Learning changes the behavior of persons and then the behavior of business organization also take certain form. Thus, the business organization should provide good opportunities to learn good matters. So that, learning is defined as the way which changes permanently the behavior of employees in business organization. That’s why learning is essential in business organization to change the behavior of workers. Learning is that types of feelings including pure subject, without it men can’t make their life civilized and successful. So that, men of business organization spend half of life on learning. Relation and significance can be shown following ways:

1. Relation and Significance with Organization: Organization can’t ahead without developing skill and knowledge of manager and employees. In the age of globalization and changing environment there is necessity to make competent the manager and employees. And which is only possible by learning. So that learning and organization have deep relation.

2. Relation and Significance with Manager: Manager is responsible of his and employee's work. Learning may be the tools to control and develop employees. By the help of learning manager can prepare the worker with good skill for future and present. He can operate training according to learning. In this way, learning is also related with manager of business organization.

3. Relation and Significance with Employees: The employees of business organization change their behavior by the help of learning. Determinants of individual behavior like; view, belief, value, feeling, motivation….etc. are used in suitable way by the help of learning. Person develops his skill, knowledge, efficiency and power by learning. So that the learning has good relation with different aspects of business organization.

In this way, learning is related with all sectors of business organization closely. The country which uses large numbers of learning, the opened business organization can improve operational effectiveness.

Functions of Communication in a Business Organization

Communication in a Business OrganizationCommunication is the process of transfer message/ ideas/ notices in systematic ways. So that receivers understand what sender wants to make understand to receivers. In general language, communication is the exchange of information or message in between two or more than two persons. Communication plays vital role in direction, co-ordination and conflict management. A good manager should have capacity to flow message to related persons in required level.

There are different tasks of communication in organization. It plays effective role while operating managerial activities and solving intergroup conflict. Communication provides input to the members of organization to perform right work, in right time with right way. Its functions can be denoted as follows:

1. Information Flow: Organization can’t be operated without flow of information. In success of organization and regular operation of task, organization needs information. And communication provides all these information to related persons and places.

2. Helps to Management: All managerial activities and programmes are run by the help of information. For directing, controlling, co-coordinating, motivating, leading and other matters there must be communication.

3. Environmental Adoption: Organization must keep good relation with the factors of internal and external environment for success of organization. To keep information and make decision about factors of external environment like; society, shareholder, government, customer, agent, competitor etc, Communication plays vital role.

4. Increases Productivity: Productivity and communication are interrelated matter. Problem solving and persuasion play vital role to increase productivity. Required information for these two matters is obtained from communication. So that communication is important to increase productivity.

5. Promotes Cohesiveness: Communication not only flows the messages, it links the works and group members. In this way linkage makes the workers cohesiveness towards the organizational goals. So that, communication is needed to increase cohesiveness.
In this way, there are other many functions of communication like; Improve Human Relation, Solves Inter-Group Conflict, Emotion Expression, Control the Activities etc.

Approaches to Conflict Resolution

Approaches to Conflict Resolution
There are different causes and sources of conflict in organization that we know. Conflict is not only negative, it is also positive in nature. The conflict which affects positively to organization is positive conflict and the conflict, which has negative effects towards organization, is negative conflict. It should be solved quickly. And approaches to conflict resolution are as follows.
1. Problem Solving: The managed method of problem solving can be applied to solve conflict. For this, the related members are brought face-to-face for open orientation. After that, real problem is identified and tried to solve. In mutual orientation, all aspects of conflict keep their idea, view and desire according to this matter conflict is solved. In this case, help of consultants and facilitator can be taken.
2. Super Ordinate Goals: Next important measure to manage conflict is super ordinate goals. In this method, organization prepares new super ordinate goals of two related party. Then conflict disappears automatically.
3. Expansion of Resources: Specially, conflict becomes on the topic of resources allocation. At that time, organization should try to allocate the resources in required level, then conflict will disappear slowly.
4. Avoidance Technique: In this method two strategies are applied. First is not to bring out the conflict of different persons. And second, Solutions are collected without giving any information to the related members and conflict will be far.
5. Compromise: Compromise is another important method to solve conflict. In this method, both aspects get something and try to lose something. There is one saying that “to get something, something should be loose”. Like this, by collective bargaining both aspects go to agreement and conflict finishes.
In this way, there are other many measures to solve conflict. For eg. Smoothing, Altering the Human Variables, Altering the Structural Variables, Authoritative Command….etc are other important measures to manage conflict.

Approaches to Conflict Stimulation

Approaches to Conflict StimulationConflict stimulation is also a measure to solve conflict. In traditional concept, conflict was taken as dangerous factor. But in modern concept, conflict is not taken as dangerous all time. Nowadays, some institutes create conflict to find new way and for innovation. If there is not created conflict in institute, manager should think that there is some mistake. That’s why conflict is index of development. So that while solving the conflict, it is necessary to create the conflict. While creating conflict, following methods should be applied;

1. Use of Communication: Communication encourages and discourages the conflict. So that, while creating conflict in required level unclear message should be sent. Threatened and challenge to the workers also a measure to create conflict.

2. Bringing in Outsider: Conflict also can be created by entering members with different background, value, view and managerial skill. The discussion with the person with different background helps to find new way. In this way, orientation with different members from outsides provides creative way at last.

3. Restructuring the Organization: By changing current design of organization, functional conflict can be created. With the help of restructure, the size of organization is changed. In this way with the help of restructure different difficulties and problems are solved in current situation.
4. Appointing a Devil’s Advocate: Appointing a Devil’s Advocate, the organization also can create the conflict. This types of person solves the problems differently of the members of organization. He works as conflict motivator. If he has good skill, knowledge and mind, can be good advocator of organization.

There are other many methods to create conflict for eg. Removing the person from work, making disagreement with group, Organization and Helpers and Changing the rules, regulation and policy, conflict can be created. In this way, while managing conflict, organization should create conflict in required level.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sources of Intergroup Conflict

Sources of Intergroup ConflictThere are different sources of intergroup conflict. Some main sources of intergroup conflict are as follows.
1. Competition of resources: There are scarce sources in organization. And scarce sources are distributed to different groups of organization. But all group press for sufficient budget, place, supply, worker and helpers. At that time disagreement arises and takes form of intergroup conflict.

2. Task factors: Organization ought to co-ordinate all task of groups available in organization. While coordinating different factors come and it fails to co-ordinate due to task dependence, task ambiguity and differences in work orientation.

3. Status struggle: If a group tries to improve in their activities, next group have fear of status that they will get good status in organization. And other groups start different practices to fail improvement of related group. Then there is created conflict.

4. Reward conflict: Reward system is also a source of intergroup conflict. In fact, the reward system motivate the workers. But when the workers take reward negatively it brings conflict in organization. If there is inequity in reward system and the company leave to provide the reward, which was provided previously. In this situation also intergroup conflict takes place.

5. Organizational change: Organizational change is the changing in design of organization. In this way while changing the design of organization duties and responsibilities of groups are also changed. At that time, if the groups take change negatively, it creates the conflict.

6. Organizational climate: Organizational climate means the quality of task environment. While making quality task environment, if organization can not create mutual interest, climate of trust, autonomy related to task and open communication, it creates intergroup conflict.

In this way, there are other different types of sources of intergroup conflict like: Lack of communication, distrust between group, unequal distribution of power and authority etc.

Nature of Inter group Conflict

Nature of Inter group ConflictInter group conflict is opposition or disagreement between different groups in organization. It is also called inter group behavior. The groups which are involved in inter group conflict they do work differently. This types of behavior affects to group internally and other organization and group externally. If there is high inter group conflict it reduces the cohesiveness in inter group and comes the condition of negative relationship between groups. According to these subject matters the nature and feature of inter group conflict are as follows:

• Inter group conflict creates clear difference and comparative situation of WE in group and
they out of group.
• If a group is involved in conflict the members of group start to increase internal cohesiveness to
win and fight with other groups.
• Emotion and cohesiveness related with group are not described to other group member. Other
group members are watched as enemy.
• The involved groups in conflict reduce communication.
• If the person thinks that his group is being unsuccessful on case of conflict, cohesiveness
reduces slowly. But group tension increases.

From these matters, we can say that inter group conflict is not fruitful itself. But sometime conflict also can provide successful way of new ideas. Conflict also should be accepted as the component of innovation, new way and new idea to operate the organization. From above points we can say that inter group conflict takes place at that time. When the member of a group shows disagreement or opposition and behaves negatively with the members of other groups. It affects more than interpersonal conflict to the organization.

Concept and Causes of Inter Organization Conflict

Inter Organization ConflictIf conflict arises between two or more than two organizations is known as inter organization conflict. In this situation, disagreement comes on the ideas, thinking and goals of organization. This types of conflict are occurred to secure the right and status. Disagreement about company’s production with consumer unit and difference shown on the matter of customer of two competitor company of an industry are some example of inter organization conflict. This types of disagreement are occurred on the matter of competition in business organization. Following factors have main role to appear the inter organization conflict.

• If the government of the related country shows inequitable behavior to different organizations
of a company, it brings inter organization conflict.
• Inter organization conflict also takes place when an organization is insulted through
advertisement of another organization.
• The flow of wrong information to the customers also brings inter organization conflict.
• If an organization recruit the employees of competitor organization, inter organization conflict
• Due to unfair competition of different organizations in a company.
• If an organization practices to control the success of another organization in a company.

In this way, there are different types of conflict, which takes place differently in a company on the basis of their natures. So that conflict should be solved by identifying its natures and features. Then it will be effective.

Inter-group Conflict and its Effects

Inter-group Conflict and its EffectsOrganization should tackle with different challenges in different time and condition. Among these challenges inter-group conflict is also one. Organization is the joint form of person and group. There are different sorts of formal and informal groups in organization. Sometime, there may occur disagreement or dissatisfaction in any subject matter in the groups and one group disagrees with another groups. This is the condition of inter-group conflict. Especially, inter-group conflicts are created on the case of distribution of power, rights, source and opportunity. So that management should be conscious while distributing the power, rights, source and opportunity. Inter-group conflict may be created by other many causes, which are below;

• Work condition.
• Task interdependence.
• Unclearity of work.
• Differences in goals.
• Struggle for status.
• Reward system.
• Organizational environment.
• Organizational system.

Inter-group conflict affects the organization more poorly than intrapersonal and interpersonal conflict, because in group there are many persons. They can stop the operational activities of organization. Sometime, organization also fails to control the group activities. To control the inter-group conflict the organization should provide good environment to work and all types of facilities to the workers. And the organizational system should be clear and suitable. Promotion and reward system for workers should be pre-defined.

Measures to Control Interpersonal Conflicts

Measures to Control Interpersonal ConflictsThere are different sorts of conflict. Among these conflicts interpersonal conflict is one, which appears time to time in organization. If discontent comes between two persons’ ideas that is interpersonal conflict. In this case, only two persons involve so that there is more pressure in person’s ideas. Interpersonal conflict can finish mutual interest either it happens at the time of work or in personal life. It makes the life difficult. If the nature of work is related with two persons decreases production poorly. Interpersonal conflict makes difficult to daily work and routine. If outer person comes between two persons it may take the form of quarrel. So that, the manager should solve it in time. Some useful measures to solve interpersonal conflict are below.

• The manager should try to make balance in
personality of workers. If there is personality
differences it may appears.
• The manager should try to make similarity in value, norms and belief of workers. If there is
difference in value, norms and belief, it makes possibility of interpersonal conflicts.
• Organization should provide equal power and status to employees of same level.
• If there is shortage of resource it also brings misbalance in organization. So that resources
should be provided properly.
• Organization should provide much more facilities to cover the employee’s expectation. Due to
unlimited expectation also conflict arises.
• The working area should be well facilitated.
• Organization should control reciprocal competitiveness.
• Management always should take equitable decision in all condition.

If these measures are applied organization will be far from any kinds of conflict.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Causes of Intrapersonal Conflict and Measures to Control

Intrapersonal Conflict If a person brigngs paradox in any topic towards himself and becomes disbalance or unequal, which is the condition of intrapersonal conflict. In such condition, the workers work accepting the unequality and paradox. The workers accept paradox and disbalance due to accident and idea which are not accepted according to their feelings and expectations. In this case they do not show the reactions externally but the performance of the organization reduces. So the intrapersonal conflict is dangerous for organization. And the top level manager shuld be conscious towards the intrapersonal conflict. Main cause regarding intrapersonal conflict are:-
  • Frustration in work: In such situation workers do not like to work properly in prganization. They take rest at the time of duity.
  • Goal conflict: The workers show dissatisfaction towards the common goals of organization.
  • Role conflict or ambiguity: The workers become disagree in the matter of role. Lower level workers want to go higher level by the help of intrapersonal conflict.
To remove intra personal conflict thinking of competition and functional and behavioural effect from other persons should be avoided. Especially, the intrapersonal conflict is a base to increse the conflict with other members and group. So that intrapersonal conflict should be avoided in time from organization.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Natures and Features of Conflict

Features of ConflictThe managers of organization shuld identify the sources of conflict as it is positive or negative before managing, solving it. To know conflict as it is positive or negative, we should understand it's natures and features which are shown below:

- Conflict is a dynamic process because it is nor
constant conditon itself. Conflict araises due to
expectation, view and feelings of person and
seems time to time in organization. It is araised
by the phychology of person.
- Every conflicts have certain cause and sources.
And to solve the conflict all these cause and
source should be observed and then suitavle measures should be applied.
- There are different levels of conflict for eg. interpersonal conflict, conflict between person to
person, group-group and organization-organiztion.....etc. But main factor of conflict is person
because group and organization afe cerated by persons.
- Conflicts are situational becaue conflict never araises same way. In different situation
also emerged differently.
- The results of conflict may be positive or negative. Negative results shuld be controlled and
positive result shuld be promoted. It should not be taken as fight only but also should be
thought as difference in ideas.
- Conflicts are affected by external and enternal environment. If the workers create conflict
when they didn't get facilities equal to competitor organization is the effect of external
environment and the conflict araised due to enternal problems is the effect of enternal

Monday, January 25, 2010

Traditional Concept of Conflict

Concept of ConflictIn traditional concept, conflict was taken as negatively. So that the managers would have fear, they used to think conflict affects negatively in production of organization and managers immediately used to try to solve the problems. They used to think the conflict brings frustration, fear and distress....etc. Managers used to take conflict as main factor to make competition between person to person and reduces co-operation, creation and performance. That's why, managers always used to search the way how to solve the conflict and didn't want to see the birth of conflict in organization.

To solve the conflict, the organization used to select the managers with special ability to solve the problems raised in organization. At that time , managers thought that when the organization develop internal relationship and make suitable environment to perform task for workers, conflict will disturb . In traditional concept, managers didn't try to separate the conflict as positive or negative. Without separating positive or negative anyhow managers wanted to finish the conflict. So that, the traditional concept of conflict was not clear and successful for long period.