January 2010 | Conflict Management Business ManiyaConflict Management Business Maniya

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sources of Intergroup Conflict

Sources of Intergroup ConflictThere are different sources of intergroup conflict. Some main sources of intergroup conflict are as follows.
1. Competition of resources: There are scarce sources in organization. And scarce sources are distributed to different groups of organization. But all group press for sufficient budget, place, supply, worker and helpers. At that time disagreement arises and takes form of intergroup conflict.

2. Task factors: Organization ought to co-ordinate all task of groups available in organization. While coordinating different factors come and it fails to co-ordinate due to task dependence, task ambiguity and differences in work orientation.

3. Status struggle: If a group tries to improve in their activities, next group have fear of status that they will get good status in organization. And other groups start different practices to fail improvement of related group. Then there is created conflict.

4. Reward conflict: Reward system is also a source of intergroup conflict. In fact, the reward system motivate the workers. But when the workers take reward negatively it brings conflict in organization. If there is inequity in reward system and the company leave to provide the reward, which was provided previously. In this situation also intergroup conflict takes place.

5. Organizational change: Organizational change is the changing in design of organization. In this way while changing the design of organization duties and responsibilities of groups are also changed. At that time, if the groups take change negatively, it creates the conflict.

6. Organizational climate: Organizational climate means the quality of task environment. While making quality task environment, if organization can not create mutual interest, climate of trust, autonomy related to task and open communication, it creates intergroup conflict.

In this way, there are other different types of sources of intergroup conflict like: Lack of communication, distrust between group, unequal distribution of power and authority etc.

Nature of Inter group Conflict

Nature of Inter group ConflictInter group conflict is opposition or disagreement between different groups in organization. It is also called inter group behavior. The groups which are involved in inter group conflict they do work differently. This types of behavior affects to group internally and other organization and group externally. If there is high inter group conflict it reduces the cohesiveness in inter group and comes the condition of negative relationship between groups. According to these subject matters the nature and feature of inter group conflict are as follows:

• Inter group conflict creates clear difference and comparative situation of WE in group and
they out of group.
• If a group is involved in conflict the members of group start to increase internal cohesiveness to
win and fight with other groups.
• Emotion and cohesiveness related with group are not described to other group member. Other
group members are watched as enemy.
• The involved groups in conflict reduce communication.
• If the person thinks that his group is being unsuccessful on case of conflict, cohesiveness
reduces slowly. But group tension increases.

From these matters, we can say that inter group conflict is not fruitful itself. But sometime conflict also can provide successful way of new ideas. Conflict also should be accepted as the component of innovation, new way and new idea to operate the organization. From above points we can say that inter group conflict takes place at that time. When the member of a group shows disagreement or opposition and behaves negatively with the members of other groups. It affects more than interpersonal conflict to the organization.

Concept and Causes of Inter Organization Conflict

Inter Organization ConflictIf conflict arises between two or more than two organizations is known as inter organization conflict. In this situation, disagreement comes on the ideas, thinking and goals of organization. This types of conflict are occurred to secure the right and status. Disagreement about company’s production with consumer unit and difference shown on the matter of customer of two competitor company of an industry are some example of inter organization conflict. This types of disagreement are occurred on the matter of competition in business organization. Following factors have main role to appear the inter organization conflict.

• If the government of the related country shows inequitable behavior to different organizations
of a company, it brings inter organization conflict.
• Inter organization conflict also takes place when an organization is insulted through
advertisement of another organization.
• The flow of wrong information to the customers also brings inter organization conflict.
• If an organization recruit the employees of competitor organization, inter organization conflict
• Due to unfair competition of different organizations in a company.
• If an organization practices to control the success of another organization in a company.

In this way, there are different types of conflict, which takes place differently in a company on the basis of their natures. So that conflict should be solved by identifying its natures and features. Then it will be effective.

Inter-group Conflict and its Effects

Inter-group Conflict and its EffectsOrganization should tackle with different challenges in different time and condition. Among these challenges inter-group conflict is also one. Organization is the joint form of person and group. There are different sorts of formal and informal groups in organization. Sometime, there may occur disagreement or dissatisfaction in any subject matter in the groups and one group disagrees with another groups. This is the condition of inter-group conflict. Especially, inter-group conflicts are created on the case of distribution of power, rights, source and opportunity. So that management should be conscious while distributing the power, rights, source and opportunity. Inter-group conflict may be created by other many causes, which are below;

• Work condition.
• Task interdependence.
• Unclearity of work.
• Differences in goals.
• Struggle for status.
• Reward system.
• Organizational environment.
• Organizational system.

Inter-group conflict affects the organization more poorly than intrapersonal and interpersonal conflict, because in group there are many persons. They can stop the operational activities of organization. Sometime, organization also fails to control the group activities. To control the inter-group conflict the organization should provide good environment to work and all types of facilities to the workers. And the organizational system should be clear and suitable. Promotion and reward system for workers should be pre-defined.

Measures to Control Interpersonal Conflicts

Measures to Control Interpersonal ConflictsThere are different sorts of conflict. Among these conflicts interpersonal conflict is one, which appears time to time in organization. If discontent comes between two persons’ ideas that is interpersonal conflict. In this case, only two persons involve so that there is more pressure in person’s ideas. Interpersonal conflict can finish mutual interest either it happens at the time of work or in personal life. It makes the life difficult. If the nature of work is related with two persons decreases production poorly. Interpersonal conflict makes difficult to daily work and routine. If outer person comes between two persons it may take the form of quarrel. So that, the manager should solve it in time. Some useful measures to solve interpersonal conflict are below.

• The manager should try to make balance in
personality of workers. If there is personality
differences it may appears.
• The manager should try to make similarity in value, norms and belief of workers. If there is
difference in value, norms and belief, it makes possibility of interpersonal conflicts.
• Organization should provide equal power and status to employees of same level.
• If there is shortage of resource it also brings misbalance in organization. So that resources
should be provided properly.
• Organization should provide much more facilities to cover the employee’s expectation. Due to
unlimited expectation also conflict arises.
• The working area should be well facilitated.
• Organization should control reciprocal competitiveness.
• Management always should take equitable decision in all condition.

If these measures are applied organization will be far from any kinds of conflict.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Causes of Intrapersonal Conflict and Measures to Control

Intrapersonal Conflict If a person brigngs paradox in any topic towards himself and becomes disbalance or unequal, which is the condition of intrapersonal conflict. In such condition, the workers work accepting the unequality and paradox. The workers accept paradox and disbalance due to accident and idea which are not accepted according to their feelings and expectations. In this case they do not show the reactions externally but the performance of the organization reduces. So the intrapersonal conflict is dangerous for organization. And the top level manager shuld be conscious towards the intrapersonal conflict. Main cause regarding intrapersonal conflict are:-
  • Frustration in work: In such situation workers do not like to work properly in prganization. They take rest at the time of duity.
  • Goal conflict: The workers show dissatisfaction towards the common goals of organization.
  • Role conflict or ambiguity: The workers become disagree in the matter of role. Lower level workers want to go higher level by the help of intrapersonal conflict.
To remove intra personal conflict thinking of competition and functional and behavioural effect from other persons should be avoided. Especially, the intrapersonal conflict is a base to increse the conflict with other members and group. So that intrapersonal conflict should be avoided in time from organization.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Natures and Features of Conflict

Features of ConflictThe managers of organization shuld identify the sources of conflict as it is positive or negative before managing, solving it. To know conflict as it is positive or negative, we should understand it's natures and features which are shown below:

- Conflict is a dynamic process because it is nor
constant conditon itself. Conflict araises due to
expectation, view and feelings of person and
seems time to time in organization. It is araised
by the phychology of person.
- Every conflicts have certain cause and sources.
And to solve the conflict all these cause and
source should be observed and then suitavle measures should be applied.
- There are different levels of conflict for eg. interpersonal conflict, conflict between person to
person, group-group and organization-organiztion.....etc. But main factor of conflict is person
because group and organization afe cerated by persons.
- Conflicts are situational becaue conflict never araises same way. In different situation
also emerged differently.
- The results of conflict may be positive or negative. Negative results shuld be controlled and
positive result shuld be promoted. It should not be taken as fight only but also should be
thought as difference in ideas.
- Conflicts are affected by external and enternal environment. If the workers create conflict
when they didn't get facilities equal to competitor organization is the effect of external
environment and the conflict araised due to enternal problems is the effect of enternal

Monday, January 25, 2010

Traditional Concept of Conflict

Concept of ConflictIn traditional concept, conflict was taken as negatively. So that the managers would have fear, they used to think conflict affects negatively in production of organization and managers immediately used to try to solve the problems. They used to think the conflict brings frustration, fear and distress....etc. Managers used to take conflict as main factor to make competition between person to person and reduces co-operation, creation and performance. That's why, managers always used to search the way how to solve the conflict and didn't want to see the birth of conflict in organization.

To solve the conflict, the organization used to select the managers with special ability to solve the problems raised in organization. At that time , managers thought that when the organization develop internal relationship and make suitable environment to perform task for workers, conflict will disturb . In traditional concept, managers didn't try to separate the conflict as positive or negative. Without separating positive or negative anyhow managers wanted to finish the conflict. So that, the traditional concept of conflict was not clear and successful for long period.