December 2009 | Conflict Management Business ManiyaConflict Management Business Maniya

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Modern Concept of Conflict

Modern Concept of ConflictThe modern concept of conflict is clear & just opposite of traditional concept. This concept has been taken the conflict not only negatively but also positively. Sometime conflict takes the organization towards new way and also increases the productivity and performance of workers which has been accepted by modern concept of conflict. Conflict may be positive or negative, that's why at first, we should separate it as negative or positive and then should take in action. Conflict provides opportunity to rearrange and research the source of organization.

So the conflict is the means of change. If the manager easily wants to remove the conflict from organization it may affect more poorly to the workers. So the conflict should be accepted positively by manager and tried to know their problems. While watching the conflict as how is it happened, at first, we should observe it is valid or invalid. In this way without affecting workers, we or manager can easily remove conflict from organization.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Concept of Conflicts

Concept of ConflictsConflict is disbalance between ideas, feelings of different person. In other word, conflict is unequality in any topic, subject matter or thing of two or more than two persons. Conflict may arise in person and person-person, group-group and organization-organization. When the deviation areses on the basis of personal value, norm, knowledge, experience and expectation of person at that time person does not accept his own or others views. This is the condition of conflict. Conflict may bring opportunity or challanges. So that conflict should be taken peositively by managers in present condition.

It is dynamic process which is not constant condition itself. Due to expectation of persons' view and feeling it comes out. So it is taken as dynamic process. Each conflict has certain cause and source. So that to solve the conflict the manager of organozation should study cause and source, apply and select suitable measures to solve conflict araised in organization. In this way, the manager can escape the organization from conflict.

Conflict Management In Nepalese Organization

Conflict Management Organization is a set of different persons with different features work to get their own common goal. In an organization we can see different people working in a place to achieve certain objectives. Some people work in top level, some people work in middle level and some people work in lower level. All these people do hard labour to achieve organizational goal.

While working in organization employes should work in different environment and different level. At the time of workig, some employes do their activities well and some don't perform the works well. In this situation there may araise quarrel among the workers. ln this way disatisfaction, strike and intruption in working field is known as conflict. Conflict should be avoided immediately by top level of managenet in an organization. Because it may bring large loss in an organization. Top level managemnt can solve the problelms by using different types of tools and techniques. To solve the problem araised in organization they can go to the place, where is the conflict and talk face to face and they can organize meeting.....ete. In this way to manage conflilct managers are more responsible.

Concept of Organization Development

Concept of Organization DevelopmentIn organization, different types of changes should be done according to the time. These changes are done to achieve certain goal and objaective. The act of centralization of changes in organization by using systematic way is called organization development. In other word, organization development is planned practice to change. It is the long term change in behavioural by systematic improvement and development in organization. By the systematice use of organization development, we can increase functional efficiency of organizationm and in other hand, we can manage suitable environment for work.

It helps to develop the organization according to the changing environment of organization. The organization development takes the organization to the way of progress and also helps to control all the activities of organization. Organization development is utilized by the help of different principles and experts considering behavioural science, culture of organiztion and environmental change. It helps to remove different types of problems and birngs change in value, belief, view, acceptance, feeling and behaviour of emplouees or gourp. So that it is very much useful for organizaion.

HR As Most Important Part In A Firm.

HR As Most Important Part In A Firm.Firm is a place where one, two or more than two men are engaged to get common objectives. In simple language we can say that firm is established by one two or more than two persons to achieve a goal. There may be invstment of one or more than one persons. Specially a firm is established to earn maximum profit. And maximum profit is only possible when the workers perform their works regularly and smothly.

All the activities are done by human resoures of a firm. Such as operating,processing, financing, accounting and refining activites are performed by Human Resoure engaged in a firm. So that Human Resources act as a heart of a firm. All these activities are not possible without human resources. So that Human Resources are most important part of a firm. In the absence of HR a firm can not do anything and the objective of a firms also becomes meaningless.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Historical Background of Trade Union in Nepal

Historical Background of Trade Union in NepalThe history of trade unions in Nepal begins from the establishment of All Nepal Trade Union Congress (ANTUC) in 1946 and the Biratnagar Workers Union (BWU) in 1947. However, there was no any act governing employment relations at that time. In 1951, these two unions were unified. With inactment of factory and Factory Workers Act in 1959, First labour relations activities wree enforced by the government making provision for the organization of trade unions. With the political takeover by the King Mahendra inb 1960 and the introduction of panchyat system ( a single party system that ruled the coountry for 30 years), all political organizations were banned together with the trade union' activities. In 1979, a few unions come into existence and continued to organize. In theis way in 1989 GEOFNT, in 1990 NTUC and in 1998 DECONT came into existence.

But currently, three large unions are working in the field as the sister organizations of political parties. GEOFNT is affiliated with Communis party, NTUC with the Nepal Congress party and DECONT with the National Democratic party are working in the field. There is no good relation and no communication, co-ordination among them. So that the traders Nepal are not in good condition due to differentd political parties.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Human Resource Management in Nepal

Human Resource Management in Nepal
The act of recruiting, selecting, developing and providing duties and responsibility to the human resources available in organization is known as Human Resource Management. Actually this task shuld be done by Human Resource Manager in a business firm or organization. Human Resource Management is very complex aspect of HR manager in an organization. Because in an organization or a firm we can see large numbers of people works to manage their household problems. They works there to get something from there. As they work in organization, it should provide them satisfaction.

In this way while working in an organization, sometime they may feel dissatisfaction and may go far from the organization. At this moment there may vacant post. In this situation the Human Resource manager shuld perform his/ her responsibility to keep right person to right place in right time. In the context of Nepalese organization, here also responsibility to manage HR goes to HR manager. And his work goes through
Step 1: Recruitment
Step 2: Selection
Step 3: Traning and development........ etc.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Important of Employee Discipline in Organization

Important of Employee Discipline in Organization
All manager have to deal with some employees/ workers who frequently remain absent from the jobs, drink on the job, are insubordinate, steal company's property, show habitual tradiness, fight and commit other serious offences on the job. These problems lead to disciplinary actions to control such undesirable behaviours at work. If employees can be self-disciplined there is no necesity for an extrinsic disciplinary process. However, in each organization there may be some employees whose behaviour does not conform to the norms and values of the organization. Thus, the need for extrinsic disciplinary action arises. The main purpose of discipline is to encourage emplolyees to behave in the way that makes sense at work. To enforce doscipline, managers can use either reward or punishment.

If employeee discipline is poor in an organization, the performance of employees also become poor in their performance. So the productivity, values, norms and income also decrease. In this moment the manager of an organozation can apply reward or punishment system.So that to improve the condition of organization it need employees discipline.