Emerging Challenges of Human Resource Mangement | Conflict Management Business ManiyaConflict Management Business Maniya

Friday, April 2, 2010

Emerging Challenges of Human Resource Mangement


Human Resource MangementIn the present condition, competition between organizations have increased. It is getting large the form of organization slowly-slowly. In this situation, it is very difficult and challenging to manage effectively the human resources. The changing environment has made more challenging. The main challenges of Human Resource Management are as follows:

1. Globalization: Globalization has increased in the sectors of industry and business. Business has crossed the boarder of politics. Successful industries have made the world their own. Like this, large industries attract manpower from different sectors of world. They provide employment to the local people by opening new branches in other countries also. And, there remain employees with different cultures, concepts and hobbies, and managing them becomes challenging. In this case organizations should produce large numbers of products keeping minimum profit. For this human resources should be utilized perfectly, which have made the human resources challenging.

2. Technological Changes: There is rapid change in information and technology. There is new-new working technology. In this situation organizations have to change it technology. New technology creates unemployment. And in other hand, there comes scarcity of skilled manpower. Like this, technological change brings difficulties and challenges in organization.

c) Diversity in Work Force:
Today, it has come diversity to in the employees working in the organization. Women are also participating in the organization. Foreign peoples are also getting job in the organization. That's why, it is coming diversity in manpower. Manging employees with different cast, religion, tradition, hobbies is challenging and it creates diffuculties.

d) Quality of Work Forces:
It has come diversity in the quality of workers. In other hand, general and unskilled manpower are increasing. But it is shortage of skilled and experience manpower. In this situation, it is very difficult to manage human resource.

e) Change Management:
With the changing environment, there should be change, improvement and modification in the activities of organization. Taking organization ahead together changing environment is change management. And change management in organization is very difficult and challenging.

f) Legal Environment: With the development of education sector, all level of manpower are being conscious. They are well known about their rights. It is very much challenging to behave equally to the human resource growing in republic environment.

In this way there are other many challenges of human resource management. Some of them are Change in the Nature of Work, Large organization, contingent work force etc.

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