Importance of Employee Training and Management Development | Conflict Management Business ManiyaConflict Management Business Maniya

Friday, April 30, 2010

Importance of Employee Training and Management Development


Importance of Employee Training and Management Development Learning is a vital route to effective work and organizational performance. “Training and development” is the usual phrase for the learning process in the organization. They are of critical importance to organizations because they provide skills needed both now and in the future. The explosion of technology, increasing shortage of skills and labour, pressure from the competition, the drive for quality and changing management styles, have all increased importance of providing training and development opportunities to employees . These developments have contributed to the establishment of training and development practices as a profession and as a continuing and necessary part of the HRM process.
There are different views regarding training and development. Traditional, the training function was regarded as distinct from the development function. Whereas lower-level employees were “trained”, higher- level employees were “development”. In fact, traditionally, training was not recognized as a means of identifying and solving problems related to the initiation of changes in work methods, and of taking responsibility for quality. It had a more immediate concern and was associated with improving the knowledge and skill of non-managerial employees in their jobs. Development, on the other hand, was seen as an activity normally associated with managers with the future firmly in mind.

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