Issues and Challenges of Training | Conflict Management Business ManiyaConflict Management Business Maniya

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Issues and Challenges of Training


Issues and Challenges of TrainingTraining is a useful HR tool for improving the skills of employees and enhancing their capacity to cope with the ever-changing demands of the work situation. This is the best way to empower employees with enough skill and knowledge to perform jobs. This also means that, with the proper designing of training programmers, performance deficiencies of the employees will be reduced by making them able to perform as per the standard of performance. Thus, there is a need for designing and conducting training programmers to fill such performance gaps. The major issues in designing and conducting training programmed include:

1. The need for understanding corporate policies: Training is the essential contributor to organizational objectives. If HR experts do not understand the organizational mission properly, it is difficult to get benefits from the training programmed. Any mismatch between corporate objectives and training design may cause a waste of time and other resources on the part of organization.
2. The need for job need analysis: It is a challenge to accumulate information on jobs. Many organizations do not have a system of job analysis. In such a case it is difficult to design appropriate training programmers required by the jobs. Thus, it is imperative to undertake job analysis to prepare job description and specification so that the collected information is analyzed to develop training package scientifically, purely based on job requirement factors.
3. The need for person needs analysis: One cannot overlook the training need of a person in designing a training programme. This is directly related to the ability to perform on the job. Many training programmes fail to assess the type of training programme that is required for different levels of employees and the appropriate skills that need to be developed by organizing training programmes.
4. The need for support of top management: In fact, effective training programme must be the priority of the top management. Some organizations regard training as a cost matter. However, when an organization is in the modern manufacturing or service sector and when it needs to adapt in the changing competitive and technical circumstances, top management has to be convinced of the importance of providing.

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