The Rising Interest in Human Resource Management | Conflict Management Business ManiyaConflict Management Business Maniya

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Rising Interest in Human Resource Management


Rising Interest in Human Resource ManagementIn this business age, all the organization has interest towards its human resource to increase competitive power of employees. Organization has certain goal. To achieve goal, organization should utilized all the physical resources very well. This work is only possible by human resource. And the managers are starting to give their attention towards human resource. Managers are starting to be worry about how, doing what the human resources can be ruled to produce more products and how the competitive cost-benefit can be obtained.

In this way,there is increasing interest on the respect of human resource management. The main causes in increasing interest towards human resource management are as follows:

1. Size of Organization: Recently there is established many organization as a joint stock company. Many workers work in large organization. And controlling and managing them has become more challenging and difficult. In this case, to motivate them to work well, it is increasing the interest of managers towards employees.

2. Diversity in workforce: Diversity is got in the religion, culture and tradition of the employees from different geographical place. All the employees from different gender, education, experience and hobby work in an organization. And controlling and motivating them in systematic way is very difficult and challenging. In this situation, rising interest towards the employees is normal.

3. Competition: As a result of rapid development of industries and business, competition has increased in organizations. In this case, they should reduce cost by maximum utilization of limit resources. And quality of goods also should be increased. For this, human resource should be managed effectively. In this way, to get success in competitive environment managers should give attention to the human resources.

4. Technological Development: Employee unrest due to technological change in organization should be managed very well. This work is very difficult and challenging. So that, the managers give interest towards human resources.

5. Globalization: Today, propensity of globalization is increasing. Large companies are opening their branches in different countries. The top managers have to control the employees of branches by sitting in head office. And they have to manage the human resources without affecting the related countries' religious and cultural believe. In this case they should give their attention towards human resources.

There are other many factors that pull the attention of the mangers towards the human resources; Goal Achievement, Skilled and Motivated Employees, Organizational effectiveness, Avoid Mistake and Weakness, Human Assets Accounting, Job Satisfaction etc. All these aspects also press the managers to give attention towards human resources.

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