Approaches to Conflict Stimulation | Conflict Management Business ManiyaConflict Management Business Maniya

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Approaches to Conflict Stimulation


Approaches to Conflict StimulationConflict stimulation is also a measure to solve conflict. In traditional concept, conflict was taken as dangerous factor. But in modern concept, conflict is not taken as dangerous all time. Nowadays, some institutes create conflict to find new way and for innovation. If there is not created conflict in institute, manager should think that there is some mistake. That’s why conflict is index of development. So that while solving the conflict, it is necessary to create the conflict. While creating conflict, following methods should be applied;

1. Use of Communication: Communication encourages and discourages the conflict. So that, while creating conflict in required level unclear message should be sent. Threatened and challenge to the workers also a measure to create conflict.

2. Bringing in Outsider: Conflict also can be created by entering members with different background, value, view and managerial skill. The discussion with the person with different background helps to find new way. In this way, orientation with different members from outsides provides creative way at last.

3. Restructuring the Organization: By changing current design of organization, functional conflict can be created. With the help of restructure, the size of organization is changed. In this way with the help of restructure different difficulties and problems are solved in current situation.
4. Appointing a Devil’s Advocate: Appointing a Devil’s Advocate, the organization also can create the conflict. This types of person solves the problems differently of the members of organization. He works as conflict motivator. If he has good skill, knowledge and mind, can be good advocator of organization.

There are other many methods to create conflict for eg. Removing the person from work, making disagreement with group, Organization and Helpers and Changing the rules, regulation and policy, conflict can be created. In this way, while managing conflict, organization should create conflict in required level.

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