Factor Influencing Learing | Conflict Management Business ManiyaConflict Management Business Maniya

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Factor Influencing Learing


Factor Influencing LearingLearning is the change in behavior. The person gets information about new knowledge and technology on the basis of his experience. As the result the person brings change on his behavior is called learning. Different factors affect the learning. They are as follows.
  1. Psychological Factors: Psychological factor directly affects the process of learning of persons. Interest, Value, Perception, Belief, Needs, Motives comes under psychological factors. Which affect the learning of a person.
  2. Physiological Factors: The factors related with man's body also affects the learning process. Intelligence, Age, Sex, Health, Memory Power are some factors of physiology. Healthy and intelligent person can learn in short time.
  3. Learning Method: Specially, learning method directly affects to formal learning process. There are different types of learning method. Among them, nature of organization, source, means and on the basis of subject matter to learn suitable learning method should be selected. While selecting learning method, it should be given attention towards learners' efficiency and hobbies.
  4. Environmental Factors: Environmental factors also affect to learning process. In clean, bright and quite environment becomes effective to learn something. There must not be sound pollution, air pollution and very hot or cold for better learning process.
  5. Learning Benefits: How much important is learning, How much benefits it can provide to the learner, it also affects the learning process. Person wants to take that types of knowledge which can increase salary, facility, goodwill and prestige.

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